Haworth Primary School and Nursery

Learning For Life

Part of Bronte Academy Trust

Pupil Premium

 The money is given to school to help support children who receive the Free School Meal benefit (or have done in the past 6 years) or Looked After Children. We use this money to help close the gap between non-pupil premium children and pupil premium children by setting up key interventions, enrichment activities and extra support.

This page details how we spend the money, the impact it has on school and why it is so important that families claim the Free School Meal benefit, if they are eligible. For detailed information regarding expenditure and impact over the last three years, please see the links below.

How to apply for Pupil Premium Grant/Free School Meals. 

To apply on line visit – www.bradford.gov.uk/schoolmeals or CLICK HERE

  Report and Impact

Above you can read information about how the school plans to spend, and has spent the Pupil Premium funding allocation over the last  year.

If you would like any more information, please feel free to contact us.